Crypto Payouts


This guide outlines the steps to make a USDC payout to a crypto wallet using the Pockyt Payments API. The payout process supports wallets across multiple blockchain networks. The workflow involves registering the payee, configuring their wallet, and executing the payout transaction. For other configurations, payout methods, and currencies, please contact the solutions team at [email protected] to get setup.



  • Merchant Account Setup – Ensure the merchant has an active Pockyt account.
  • API Credentials – Obtain merchantNo, storeNo values from Pockyt.
  • Webhook Configuration – Set up ipnUrl to receive transaction status updates.
  • Regulatory Compliance – Merchants must adhere to Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations. It is important that the merchant has been approved by Pockyt's compliance team for this service. If you have any questions, reach out to [email protected] or contact your sales representative.

API Workflow

Step-by-Step Breakdown of the Payout Workflow


API References for Workflow Steps

Step 1: Register Payee

Action: The merchant registers a payee in Pockyt’s system to generate a customerNo. This identifier is required for all subsequent payout steps.

Key Considerations:

  • The profileType (INDIVIDUAL or BUSINESS) determines the required fields.
  • The payee’s email and governmentId must be unique.
  • The customerNo returned here is needed in Step 5 and Step 6.

Step 2: Submit Compliance Documents

Action: Merchants must submit identity verification documents (e.g., W9 forms, SSN, passport) for compliance review.

Key Considerations:

  • Payee accounts are initially set to ACTIVE upon creation. However, certain trigger events in compliance reviews may change their status to PENDING or DECLINED.
  • It is crucial for the merchant to verify the payee’s status before initiating a payout to ensure funds are not sent to an ineligible payee.

Step 3: Verify Payee Status

Action: Query the /v3/payee/retrieve endpoint to confirm if the payee is ACTIVATED for payouts.

Key Considerations:

  • If the status is PENDING, the payee may be under additional compliance review.
  • If the status is DECLINED, additional documents may be required.
  • Payee status can change dynamically based on compliance requirements, so always check status before payouts.

Step 4: Retrieve Crypto Configuration

Action: Call /v3/payee/account/configurations to retrieve required parameters for linking a payee’s bank account.

Key Considerations:

  • This is a data service for developers, ensuring they retrieve the most up-to-date banking requirements for different countries and currencies.
  • The international banking system is in constant flux, with compliance requirements varying based on jurisdiction and regulation.
  • Pockyt provides this service so developers always have access to the correct fields needed to register a payee’s bank account without requiring manual updates.

Example API Response:

  "status": 200,
  "resultBody": {
    "ret_code": "000100",
    "ret_msg": "succeeded",
    "results": [
        "profileType": "INDIVIDUAL",
        "accountType": "CRYPTO",
        "accountCurrency": "USDC",
        "fields": [
            "name": "walletChain",
            "label": "Chain",
            "possibleValues": ["ETH - Ethereum", "SOL - Solana", "POLY -
            "isRequired": true
            "name": "walletAddress",
            "label": "Wallet Address",
            "isRequired": true
}, {
            "name": "walletAddressTag",
            "label": "Memo",
            "isRequired": false
} ]
} ]
} }
  • The fields in this response provide the necessary parameters required to register a bank account for a payee.
  • Required fields (e.g., bankAccountName, bankAccountId, bankCode) must be extracted and included in the request body of Step 5.
  • Different jurisdictions may require additional fields, so developers should always query this endpoint before submitting bank account details.

Step 5: Add Crypto Account as a Payout Method

Action: Register the payee’s bank account using /v3/payee/account/create/crypto.

Key Considerations:

  • The customerNo from Step 1 is required in this request.
  • The response returns an accountToken, which serves as the payment token for this payout method.
  • This accountToken must be included in Step 6 to execute the payout.
  • Example accountToken: 2010378298556879970563

Step 6: Initiate Payout Transfer

Action: Execute a payout to the payee’s bank account via /v3/payouts/pay.

Key Considerations:

  • The customerNo from Step 1 and the accountToken from Step 5 are required.
  • Ensure amount does not exceed the merchant’s available balance.
  • The invoiceId should be unique to avoid duplicate payouts.
  • The ipnUrl is critical for receiving transaction updates.
  • This API request only confirms Pockyt received the payout request—it does not confirm that the funds have been deposited.
  • The actual payout status must be checked via webhook notifications, as banking transactions process asynchronously.

Step 7: Handle Webhook Notifications

  • Action: The webhook is triggered once the customer accepts the billing agreement in the checkout UI. However, the payment method has not been charged yet.
  • Purpose: The webhook contains the transactionNo, which is required for charging the payment method in the next step via the /process API. It also includes the vaultId, which should be saved for future use, though it is not fully activated until the /process API is called.
  • See Example Webhook Notification Body Here

Key Considerations:

  • The initial API response in Step 6 does not confirm that the payout has been completed.
  • Webhook notifications will indicate whether the payout is pending, successful, or failed.

Key Notes for Implementation

  1. Parameters Flow:

    • customerNo: Generated in Step 1, used in Steps 2, 5, and 6.
    • accountToken: Generated in Step 5, required in Step 6 to execute the payout.
    • transactionNo: Generated in Step 6, used in Step 7 for webhook tracking.
  2. Payout Processing Logic:

    • The payout request in Step 6 does not immediately transfer funds—it only queues the transaction.
    • The actual fund transfer depends on bank processing times and clearing systems.
    • Merchants must always rely on webhook notifications (Step 7) for final payout confirmation.
  3. Webhook Notifications:

    • Webhook notifications are crucial for confirming the status of transactions in Step 7.
    • Ensure the Webhook Listener processes the transactionNo and status fields properly to track payout completion.

For additional assistance, contact [email protected].