In-Store Payments w/ SecurePay

This guide outlines the process of integrating the SecurePay API with in-store POS systems to enable secure, QR code-based payment processing via PayPal.


This guide provides step-by-step instructions for integrating the SecurePay API into an in-store POS system to enable QR code-based payment processing using PayPal digital wallets. The integration allows customers to scan a QR code with their mobile devices to complete transactions securely via PayPal. The POS system handles three primary tasks:

  1. API Integration: The POS calls the SecurePay API to initiate a payment and retrieve a cashierUrl (unique payment link for the Pockyt-hosted payments page).
  2. QR Code Generation: The POS generates a QR code from the cashierUrl and displays it to the customer.
  3. Webhook Handling: The POS listens for webhook notifications from SecurePay to confirm the final transaction status.



SecurePay API Credentials:merchantNo, storeNo, and `apiToken.

POS Setup:A customer-facing display capable of showing images or HTML content.

Dependencies:A QR code generation library such as ZXing for Java, Python's qrcode library, or JavaScript's qrcode package.

Key Notes for Implementation

API Workflow


API References for Endpoints in this Workflow:

Step-by-Step Description of the Recurring Payments Workflow

Step 1: Register Customer

  • Action: Calls the Register Customer API to create a new customer in the Pockyt system. This step generates a unique customerNo, which will be used in subsequent steps. Pockyt captures information necessary for Address Verification Service (AVS) at this step.
  • Endpoint: POST /customers/create
  • Key Parameters:
    • Request Body: Includes customer information such as name, email, phone number, and address.
    • Response: Returns a customerNo, which is critical for linking this customer to payment actions.

Step 2: Initiate Payment Capture (Vault)

  • Action: Call the SecurePay API with the creditType set to vault and terminal set to "YIP" to enroll the payment method. This step links the customer's payment method to a billing agreement shown in the checkout UI but does not charge the payment method. The response includes a transactionNo and cashierUrl, and the webhook contains a vaultId, which serves as the payment token.
  • Endpoint: POST /online/v4/secure-pay
    First Time Calling SecurePay for Creating VaultId
curl -X POST "" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
       "amount": "13.00",
       "creditType": "vault",
       # "creditType" must be "vault" to store the payment method for future use.
       "currency": "USD",
       "customerNo": "2000357955353018248632",
       # "customerNo" is obtained from the previous step (customer registration).
       "callbackUrl": "",
       "merchantNo": "203780",
       "reference": "PDo2hzWE70",
       "settleCurrency": "USD",
       "storeNo": "303661",
       "terminal": "YIP",
       # "terminal" must be set to "YIP" for vaulting to work correctly.
       # Setting it to "ONLINE" would change the endpoint behavior and may prevent vaulting.
       "timeout": "120",
       "ipnUrl": "",
       "vendor": "paypal",
       "verifySign": "{{MySignature}}",
       "goodsInfo": "[{\"goods_name\":\"test\",\"quantity\":\"1\",\"category\":\"DIGITAL_GOODS\",\"description\":\"testing\",\"amount\":\"13.00\",\"tax\":\"0\"}]"

  • Key Parameters:
    • Request Body: Includes the customerNo from Step 1, the terminal value (YIP), and payment details.
    • Response: Returns a transactionNo and cashierUrl. Additionally, the webhook received after this step contains a vaultId, which acts as the payment token for the associated payment method. However, the payment method is not charged at this stage. The actual charge occurs in the next step when the /process API is called using the transactionNo returned here.


This step does not charge the payment method. Instead, it acts as an 'enrollment step,' during which the customer is presented with a 'billing agreement' in the checkout UI. The customer confirms this agreement, linking it to their payment method.

Step 3: Handle Webhook Notification

  • Action: The webhook is triggered once the customer accepts the billing agreement in the checkout UI. However, the payment method has not been charged yet.
  • Purpose: The webhook contains the transactionNo, which is required for charging the payment method in the next step via the /process API. It also includes the vaultId, which should be saved for future use, though it is not fully activated until the /process API is called.

Step 4: Process Payment Transaction

  • Action: Call the Process Payment API to finalize the initial payment. This is the step where the payment method is charged for the first time.
  • Endpoint: POST /order/v4/process
  • Key Parameters:
    • Request Body: Includes the transactionNo from Step 2.
    • Response: Returns a vaultId linked to the payment method and confirms that the payment was processed. The vaultId will be used for all future recurring payments.


The Payment Method is charged for the first time at this step

Step 5: Collecting Future Recurring Payments

  • Action: For future payments, call the SecurePay API again, this time with the creditType set to vault and the vaultId included in the request body.
  • Endpoint: `POST /online/v4/secure-pay
    Calling SecurePay After the initial Enrollment, to Collect Future Payments
    curl -X POST "" \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d '{
           "amount": "13.00",
           "callbackUrl": "",
           "creditType": "vault",
           # "creditType" is still set to "vault," but in this case, the stored payment method is actually charged.
           "currency": "USD",
           "customerNo": "2000357955353018248632",
           # "customerNo" ensures the transaction is associated with the correct customer profile.
           "ipnUrl": "",
           "merchantNo": "203780",
           "note": "test note",
           "reference": "a7HhrLJYH9",
           "settleCurrency": "USD",
           "storeNo": "303661",
           "terminal": "YIP",
           # "terminal" must be set to "YIP" for recurring payments. Using "ONLINE" will result in different behavior.
           "timeout": "120",
           "vaultId": "pp_9cb9eb1892da49d2867c3d41bd73fedc",
           # "vaultId" is the payment token obtained from the previous /process API call.
           # Unlike the initial SecurePay request, this call DOES charge the payment method.
           "vendor": "paypal",
           "verifySign": "{{MySignature}}",
           "goodsInfo": "[{\"goods_name\":\"test\",\"quantity\":\"1\",\"category\":\"DIGITAL_GOODS\",\"description\":\"testing\",\"amount\":\"13.00\",\"tax\":\"0\"}]"
  • Key Parameters:
    • Request Body: Includes the vaultId obtained in Step 4 and payment details such as amount and currency.
    • Response: Returns a transactionNo for the recurring payment. Note that the payment method is charged immediately when this API is called with the vaultId.

Step 6: Handle Webhook Notification for Recurring Payments

  • Action: The Webhook Listener receives a second webhook notification from Pockyt, confirming the status of the recurring payment.
  • Purpose: This step ensures a notification is sent regarding success or failure of the recurring payment.

Key Notes for Implementation

  1. Parameters Flow:

    • customerNo: Generated in Step 1, used in Step 2.
    • transactionNo: Generated in Step 2, used in Step 4.
    • vaultId: Generated in Step 4, used in Step 5.
  2. Payment Processing Logic:

    • The payment method is not charged during the initial SecurePay API call (Step 2). It is only charged when the Process Payment API is called (Step 4).
    • For future payments, the payment method is charged as soon as the SecurePay API is called with the vaultId (Step 5).
  3. Webhook Notifications:

    • Webhook notifications are crucial for confirming the status of transactions in Steps 3 and 6. Ensure the Webhook Listener processes the transactionNo and status fields properly.